Why The B2B Sales Lead Follow Up Graveyard Is Leaking Your Profits

Ever wonder what has happened to those leads you didn't close, well they are waiting for you you. Deep in the recess of each previous marketing campaign you've ever run. Just like the remains of the dead and deceased, leads that were never followed up just sitting gathering dust, an ancient relic of business your sales team could have closed. And you're not alone. It's estimated that sales reps fail to contact around 70% of the resulting new leads generated from marketing activities. While it's normally made reference to as a 'sales lead black hole 'we wish to call it an 'opportunity graveyard', if you may. But these aren't high quality leads, your sales team will shout out! And while they may be expressing this view this out of a deep concern that those old, lifeless leads will come to haunt them, their argument is not a view that is uncommon. So how can your marketing and sales team work together to make sure they're exploiting every opportunity on the market to them? All the while avoiding wasting energy and resources on leads that may never convert into a sale? ..»
Why The B2B Sales Lead Follow Up Graveyard Is Leaking Your Profits Why The B2B Sales Lead Follow Up Graveyard Is Leaking Your Profits Reviewed by Unknown on 21 August Rating: 5

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